Range Method

Wintellect PowerCollections

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[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Returns a view onto a sub-range of this list. Items are not copied; the returned IList<T> is simply a different view onto the same underlying items. Changes to this list are reflected in the view, and vice versa. Insertions and deletions in the view change the size of the view, but insertions and deletions in the underlying list do not.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public override sealed IList<T> Range(
	int index,
	int count
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overrides NotOverridable Function Range ( _
	index As Integer, _
	count As Integer _
) As IList(Of T)
Visual C++
virtual IList<T>^ Range (
	int index, 
	int count
) override sealed


The starting index of the view.
The number of items in the view.

Return Value

A list that is a view onto the given sub-list.


If a copy of the sub-range is desired, use the GetRange(Int32, Int32) method instead.

This method can be used to apply an algorithm to a portion of a list. For example:

 Copy imageCopy Code
Algorithms.ReverseInPlace(list.Range(3, 6))
will reverse the 6 items beginning at index 3.


System..::ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionindex or count is negative.
System..::ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionindex + count is greater than the size of this list.

See Also